Download IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015 | Download PDF of IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015
Download IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015 | Download PDF of IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015
IBPS RRB 2015 Exam Pattern40 Questions from every section will be asked.
- 1. Reasoning -50 marks
- 2. Quantitative aptitude-50 marks
- 3. English language-40 marks
- 4. General knowledge with special reference to banking industry-40 marks
- 5. Computer knowledge-20 marks
Time of exam:
- Office Assistants and Officer scale II specialist cadre- total time-3 hours
- For all others – Total time of exam- 2 hrs. 30 minutes
Marking: There is a penalty of 0.25 marks out of 1 mark question in
IBPS RRB exams for officers and office assistants if any wrong answer
has been given. Five options will be given and you have to choose the
right answer among them.
The syllabus of IBPS RRB 2015 Officers scale I,II,III and office assistants is same. Only the difficulty level of questions varies. RRB Officer’s exam is little difficult than Office assistants.
Click Here To Download Full IBPS RRB Office Assistant/Officers Syllabus 2015
1. IBPS RRB SYLLABUS for Reasoning Section:
Analogy, Odd Man out, Syllogism, Coding decoding, Blood relations, Alphabet test. Series test, Number, ranking and time sequence,Causes and effects. Direction sense test, Sitting arrangement, Decision making, Input output, Assertion and reason. Figure Series, word formation, Statement and conclusions, Statement and assumptions.
Statement and arguments, Statement and action’s courses, Passage and conclusions, Figure series test, Analogy, Odd figures, Miscellaneous test, Mirror/water image.
Download IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015 | Download PDF of IBPS RRB Syllabus 2015 |
2.Quantitative Aptitude Section:
Number system, HCF & LCM, Number series, Approximation Wrong Number. Finding next number in series, Decimal fractions, Square root and cube root. Profit and loss, Simple and compound interest problems, Time and work problems. Time and distance problems, Average problems, Simplifications, Partnerships, Percentage. Ratio and proportions, Average & Ages Ratio & Proportion, Pie charts, Bar graphs, Line graphs. Mixed graphs, Case study, Mensuration, Permutations and combinations, Data tables, Probability.
3. English language section:
Spotting errors, Phrase substitution, Jumbled up sentences, Double blanks in a sentence. Fill in the blank ,Idioms & Phrases, Reconstruction of sentence & passage. One word substitution, Commonly misspelled words, Comprehensions. Synonyms and antonyms, Cloze Test.
4. General awareness :
Current affairs of last 6 months, Countries/Currencies, Indian Economy, International Economy. Banking terms, Books & Their Authors, RBI, Fiscal Monetary Policies, Repo rate, Reverse repo rate etc., Social Function of Banks, UNO, Marketing, Awards & Honors Sports, Finance, Agriculture etc.History of Banking
5. Computer knowledge
Basic computer fundamentals, Basic Software & Hardware and their functionalities, History and Future of Computers, Networking, Computer abreviation, Microsoft-office, Basic knowledge of Internet use, Shortcut keys etc.
6. Hindi Language :
You have to select one language out of Hindi and English for your paper.
Vyakaran, mistakes, samanarthak shabd, vipritarthak shabd, gadyansh(paragraph), fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Vyakaran, mistakes, samanarthak shabd, vipritarthak shabd, gadyansh(paragraph), fill in the blanks with suitable words.