Colors Bangla will launch its new fiction show ‘Subho Drishti’ on 1 January. The show will air Monday to Sunday at 7.30 pm. Produced by Vandana Films and the music will be scored by the award-winning film music-director Anupam Roy, who marks his television debut with Subho Drishti, while the sets have been designed by Shyam Dey.
Plot/Story Wiki
It is a bittersweet tale of two pairs of siblings – Abir-Drishti and Subho-Antara, the show encapsulates their intertwined destinies as Drishti and Subho cross paths time and again leading to series of explosive coincidences and happenstances.
'Subho Drishti' on Colors Bangla Tv Serial Plot Wiki,Cast,Promo,Title Song,Timing |
Their story doesn’t seem to have a happy beginning nor happy ending when the protagonists must face many trials and tribulations from the most unexpected avenues, as the twists in their story promise to take you on an eventful ride.
'Subho Drishti' on Colors Bangla Tv Serial Plot Wiki,Cast,Promo,Title Song,Timing |
- Aishwariya Sen as Drishti
- Gourab Roy Choudhary as Subho
- Rituparna Sengupta
- Prasenjit Chatterjee
- TV Show Name :-'Subho Drishti'
- TV Channel Name :- Colors Bangla
- Days :- Mon-Sat
- Show Timing :-07.30pm
- Starting Date :- 1 January 2018
- Genre :- Drama
- Language :-Bengali