Electricity rates slashed by 50% in Delhi
- For first 400 unites electricity rates reduced by 50% than the existing rates
- Water consumption upto 20,000 will be free from 1 March
- One of the biggest achievements for Kejriwal government within first two weeks after coming into power
3rd Tortoise Festival organized in Assam
- 3rd Tortoise Festival organized at Hajong Lake in Dima Hasao, Assam
on 21st February 2015. The Hajong Lake is the only natural tortoise home
in Assam.
TRAI amended the MNP Regulations
Daily Current Affairs Update of 26 February 2015 | General Knowledge |
- Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) amend the Mobile Number
Portability Regulation, now, Full MNP will be availble in the country
from 03rd May 2015.
Austrian Parliament passed a controversial Bill
- Austria passed a Bill that imposes ban on foreign fundign for mosques and imams.
Rajya Sabha passed the Bill
- Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders Amendment Bill, 2014 passed in Rajya Sabha on 24th February 2015.
National Green Tribunal banned the Vintage Cars in Delhi
- National Green Tribunal banned the Vintage Cars in Delhi on 23rd February 2015.
Madhya Pradesh governor Ram Naresh Yadav resigns
- Resignation after came Central government asked him for resignation
- An FIR has been filed against him in a recruitment scam
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